Change in Top Management

With our Board decision dated October 9, 2012, below changes and appointments were made in top management:Mr. Murat Kirkgöz shall be appointed to the position of Türk Telekom CFO which has been vacant for a while.Mr. Gökhan Kayalibay shall be appointed as VP of Strategy and Business Development in the place of Mr. Ramazan Demir, who has worked in our Company since 2009. Mr. Ramazan Demir shall continue to serve within Türk Telekom Group.

With our Board decision dated October 9, 2012, below changes and appointments were made in top management:

Mr. Murat Kirkgöz shall be appointed to the position of Türk Telekom CFO which has been vacant for a while.

Mr. Gökhan Kayalibay shall be appointed as VP of Strategy and Business Development in the place of Mr. Ramazan Demir, who has worked in our Company since 2009. Mr. Ramazan Demir shall continue to serve within Türk Telekom Group.

Mr. Celalettin Dinçer, who has worked in our Company since 1988, has resigned from his position of VP of Sales. Mr. Ali Yilmaz shall be appointed as VP of Sales.

Mr. Erem Demircan, who has worked in our Company as VP of Marketing and Communications since 2006, has resigned from his position. Mr. Mehmet Ali Akarca shall be appointed as VP of Marketing and Communications.

Mr. Mehmet Kömürcü, who has worked in our Company as VP of Legal and Group Company Secretary since 2005, has resigned from his position. Mr. Can Esen, who has worked in our Company being responsible for the operational legal services since 2005, shall be appointed as Operational Legal Services Director.

We would like to thank the members of our management team who have left their positions for their valuable contributions to our Company so far and wish them success in their future careers.