Data Protection: Opening speech by Luigi Gambardella, ETNO EB Chair at the joint industry associations event

Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Executive Board Chair, opened today a joint industry workshop held by ETNO, ECTA, GSMA and Cable Europe on the proposed General Data Protection Regulation, hosted by MEP Sean Kelly and with Vice-President Reding as keynote speaker.

Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Executive Board Chair, opened today a joint industry workshop held by ETNO, ECTA, GSMA and Cable Europe on the proposed General Data Protection Regulation, hosted by MEP Sean Kelly and with Vice-President Reding as keynote speaker.

Speaking at the workshop entitled "Towards harmonised and effective data protection rules: innovating for consumers and business", Luigi Gambardella insisted on the importance of a balance between the need for a strong level of protection of the fundamental right to privacy and the importance of not hampering economic activity and innovation in multiple sectors.

"Privacy protection matters for consumers and citizens, but they also want new and innovative products and services at low prices, together with job creation and growth", said Luigi Gambardella.  

"From the very beginning of the legislative process, ETNO has welcomed the intention of Vice-President Reding to reform data protection rules with the aim of ensuring more harmonisation and higher consistency, as well as putting in place a framework which takes into account the inherently global dimension of data protection", he added.

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