ETNO Press Note on the Digital Agenda Scoreboard

Our views on the EC's Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2014 published todayThe European Commission has presented today the Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2014, highlighting results and open challenges of the Digital Agenda for Europe. This year’s scoreboard comes at a time in which the European Institutions are renovating their leadership.

Our views on the EC's Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2014 published today

The European Commission has presented today the Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2014, highlighting results and open challenges of the Digital Agenda for Europe. This year’s scoreboard comes at a time in which the European Institutions are renovating their leadership.

ETNO, representing Europe’s main telecom operators,  shares Commissioner Kroes’ view that the next Presidency should be a digital one. In this context, we call for a new, comprehensive development strategy for digital markets. Such strategy should start from the assumption that a long term industry evolution roadmap is needed and that it should take stock of the changes that have occurred in the markets.

Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Chairman, said: “European Companies need a new wave of pro-investment and pro-innovation policies for both fixed and mobile networks. Stronger European telcos will compete more effectively in today’s dynamic global markets and deliver better services to consumers and businesses across the EU. This will require a thorough revision of European rules in order to update regulation to current market reality. A new digital agenda will give the next President of the European Commission a unique opportunity to leverage Europe’s digital economy to the benefit of all”.