Michael Jungwirth Appointed Head of Newly Formed ‘Regulatory & European Affairs’ Department

Telekom Austria Group has announced the appointment of Michael Jungwirth as head of its newly restructured ‘Regulatory & European Affairs’ department. This comes after the Telekom Austria Group merged the previously separate units ‘Regulatory Affairs’ and ‘European Affairs’, effective from March 1, 2013. In his new position, Michael will be responsible for the positioning of both A1 in Austria and the Telekom Austria Group in Brussels with regards to regulatory affairs. Furthermore, he will act as the first point of contact for all regulatory concerns within the Group.

Telekom Austria Group has announced the appointment of Michael Jungwirth as head of its newly restructured ‘Regulatory & European Affairs’ department. This comes after the Telekom Austria Group merged the previously separate units ‘Regulatory Affairs’ and ‘European Affairs’, effective from March 1, 2013. In his new position, Michael will be responsible for the positioning of both A1 in Austria and the Telekom Austria Group in Brussels with regards to regulatory affairs. Furthermore, he will act as the first point of contact for all regulatory concerns within the Group.

“Regulation is one of the most challenging issues for all telecommunications companies and, therefore, it represents one of the most exciting tasks within our Group. I’m looking forward, together with my team, to addressing important projects such as the upcoming LTE spectrum auction in addition to international topics, such as roaming“, said Michael Jungwirth.

Michael joined the Telekom Austria Group in 2007 as assistant to the Management Board. His main tasks included the preparation and implementation of strategic projects. In this position, he successfully launched the initiative “Beamte zum Bund“(civil servants to the government), which formed a crucial venture for the company. In 2009, he became Head of the Staff Unit “Strategic Board Agenda” under the CEO Hannes Ametsreiter and was responsible for the preparation of all Supervisory and Management Board meetings as well as for all organizational concerns. Since May 2012, he has also taken over responsibility for the European regulatory affairs of the Telekom Austria Group.

Michael Jungwirth studied Economics and Business Administration at the Kepler University Linz (Upper Austria) and he was professionally active and highly engaged, even during his studies. He also completed a year abroad at the European Business School in London, where he first gained international experience. He started his professional career at the Raiffeisen Landesbank in 2002 and, in 2004, became special advisor for road construction, post and telecommunications in the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology.

In his leisure time, Michael Jungwirth likes to participate in sports - he plays soccer and is an enthusiastic tri-athlete.