A New Digital Agenda For Europe: 30.4.2014

The profile of the digital citizen has dramatically changed since the conception of the Digital Agenda for Europe. Join our #NewDAE14 debate in view of the Italian Presidency of the EU09:00, Welcome and introduction:
Daniel Pataki, Director of ETNO
Luigi Gambardella, Chairman of the ETNO Board and VP Telecom Italia

The profile of the digital citizen has dramatically changed since the conception of the Digital Agenda for Europe. Join our #NewDAE14 debate in view of the Italian Presidency of the EU

09:00, Welcome and introduction:
Daniel Pataki, Director of ETNO
Luigi Gambardella, Chairman of the ETNO Board and VP Telecom Italia

09:15, Keynote speeches:
Marco Patuano,  CEO, Telecom Italia 
Ambassador Marco Peronaci, Italian Deputy Permanent Representative

09:45 – 11:30    

Panel 1:  Policy and Regulatory agenda

A new Digital Agenda for Europe: views from Robert Madelin, Director-General DG Connect, European Commission

Moderated by Frances Robinson, Telecoms Correspondent at the Wall Street Journal 

Experts’ roundtable:  

  • How should the Digital agenda objectives be rethought to take stock of the latest competitive and technological developments of the telecommunications and ICT sector? 
  • How could the current European regulatory framework be reviewed in order to support investments and international competitiveness in ICT?
  • Which should the new priorities be? Which infrastructures, services and innovations goals (e.g. number of start-up) would allow Europe to re-gain a top spot in the global ICT arena? 
  • Which actions and policies interventions would be needed to reach this new set of goals? 

Robin Bienenstock, Senior Analyst European & Latin America Telecommunications, Sanford C Bernstein; David Cantor, Telecommunications Law & Strategy; Roland Doll, Vice President Europe Affairs, Deutsche Telekom;  Andrea Faggiano, TIME Practice, Arthur D Little; Grant Forsyth, ECTA Board Member and Head of Regulatory Policy, NGN at BskyB; Vianney Hennes, Director, European Public Affairs, Orange; Stephen Howard, Head of Global Telecoms, Media and Technology Research, HSBC; Carlos Lopez Blanco, Public and Corporate Affairs Global Head, Telefonica; Scott Marcus, Director, WIK-Consult; Pearse O'Donohue, Deputy Head of Cabinet of VP Neelie Kroes, European Commission; John Strand, Strand Consult.

11:30, Coffee break
11:50 – 13:30    
Panel 2: Privacy, Net neutrality and competition policies: in search of a new policy approach 

The new competitive landscape: views from Goran Marby, Chairman of BEREC and Director-General of the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency

Moderated by James Fontanella-Khan, Brussels correspondent at Financial Times

Experts’ roundtable: 

  • Should privacy safeguards, quality of service enhancements and improvements in the security of internet transactions be a part of the new digital agenda goals? 
  • How should consumer and data protection policies be implemented to increase consumer welfare while promoting investments, innovation and a level playing field among different players of the broadband/internet value chain? What indicators are best suited to gauge the value for consumers of a specific policy? 
  • The intensity of debate on Net neutrality has lately reached new heights. What are the expectations of consumers in terms of enhanced quality of service, reliability and “fit for purpose” broadband services? Do other Internet neutralities (such as Search Neutrality, Applications Neutrality or Device neutrality) matter more for consumers?
  • What are the implications of the pervasive consumer demand for OTT services on the EU telcos’ market power? How privacy safeguards impact the competitive situation? How should factors other than price be taken into account when framing antitrust policies?

Giovanni Amendola, Vice-President, Telecom Italia; Julian Ashworth, Group Industry Policy Director, BT Group; Wolfgang D. Bock, Senior Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group; Peter Hustinx, European Data Protection Supervisor; Karim Lesina, Vice President - AT&T International External Affairs; Danielle Jacobs, Chairman of the Board, INTUG; Eduardo Martinez Rivero, Head of Unit – DG Competition, European Commission; Peter Olson, President, DIGITALEUROPE; Pastora Valero, Director EU Public Policy, CISCO; Despina Spanou, Director DG for Health and Consumers, European Commission; Anthony Whelan, Director DG Connect, European Commission; Matt Yardley, Partner, Analysys Mason.

Registration is closed. Follow the debate on twitter #NewDAE14 or apply for the waiting list by writing to valles@etno.eu

This even is co-organized with Telecom Italia