Press release: Telenor Group pays record high dividend to shareholders

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Telenor ASA, held at the company’s head office outside Oslo, has approved a dividend of NOK 6.00 per share. This is the highest dividend to be paid out to shareholders since the company was stock listed in December 2000.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Telenor ASA, held at the company’s head office outside Oslo, has approved a dividend of NOK 6.00 per share. This is the highest dividend to be paid out to shareholders since the company was stock listed in December 2000.

At the AGM, attended by 69 per cent of the shareholders, all proposals on the agenda were adopted. This includes approval of the financial statements and the report from the Board of Directors for 2012, approval of salary remuneration to the executive management and election of members to the Corporate Assembly and to the Nomination Committee, including approval of remuneration to members of both organs. The Corporate Assembly consists of ten shareholder elected members and the Nomination Committee of four members. The Board of Directors is elected by the Corporate Assembly. For a full list of elected members, click here.

The AGM also approved a cancelling of treasury shares and redemption of shares owned by the Kingdom of Norway as part of the share buy-back program 2012 – 2013. After cancellation and redemption, the company’s share capital will be NOK 9,099,745,626 divided into 1,516,624,271 shares.

The AGM has authorised the Board of Directors to buy back up to 46,000,000 shares, corresponding to approximately three per cent of the company’s share capital. This authorisation is valid until the AGM in 2014.

As a result of the approved dividend, the shares in Telenor ASA will be traded ex dividend NOK 6.00 as from 16 May 2013. Expected payment date for dividends to shareholders registered in the company’s shareholder register by end of 15 May 2013, is 30 May 2013.