Press release: TeliaSonera first again with its launch of 4G services in Spain

TeliaSonera’s subsidiary Yoigo will launch 4G services in Spain in July as the first operator on the Spanish market, to offer their customers a better customer experience and faster mobile surf. TeliaSonera was first in the world in 2009 to launch 4G in Sweden and Norway. Since then it has continued to be a pioneer in launching 4G in all of its markets in the Nordic and Baltics.

TeliaSonera’s subsidiary Yoigo will launch 4G services in Spain in July as the first operator on the Spanish market, to offer their customers a better customer experience and faster mobile surf. TeliaSonera was first in the world in 2009 to launch 4G in Sweden and Norway. Since then it has continued to be a pioneer in launching 4G in all of its markets in the Nordic and Baltics.

Yoigo is the fourth mobile operator in Spain and will be able to offer their customers faster and better surf on mobile devices with the 4G technology. At the time of the launch, the inhabitants of Madrid will be the first to have the possibility to use 4G and by the end of the year will also the largest cities in Spain be able to surf faster and better.

”We are in the lead of the industry and are answering upon the customers increasing demand of mobile surf by offering the latest technology to our customers, now also as the first operator in Spain”, says Per-Arne Blomqvist, acting CEO of TeliaSonera. ”Our customers shall have the best possible experience of mobile services, the highest speed of mobile surf and also the best mobile coverage”.

4G will be offered at the1800 MHz band and will give maximum speed of over 100 Mbps. By the end of the year, 37 % of the Spanish population will be able to use 4G where they live and by the end of 2014 will over 75 % of the population be able to use the new technology.

By launching 4G in Spain, TeliaSonera now offers 4G in all countries where the Group’s business area Mobility Services is present, ie in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Spain.

For more information, please contact the TeliaSonera press office +46 771 77 58 30,, visit our Newsroom or follow us on Twitter @TLSN_Media.