Press release: Türk Telekom clinches leadership in Carbon Disclosure Project with its sustainability bid

The only telecommunication company to respond to the Carbon Disclosure Project Turkey since 2010, Türk Telekom held on to its pioneerism this year with its efforts in the field of sustainability. Türk Telekom was declared the “Carbon Disclosure Leader” in the Sabanci University Corporate Governance Forum’s “CDP Turkey 2013 Climate Change Report.”

The only telecommunication company to respond to the Carbon Disclosure Project Turkey since 2010, Türk Telekom held on to its pioneerism this year with its efforts in the field of sustainability. Türk Telekom was declared the “Carbon Disclosure Leader” in the Sabanci University Corporate Governance Forum’s “CDP Turkey 2013 Climate Change Report.”

Turkey’s pioneer communication and convergence technologies company Türk Telekom is an industry leader for its drive to protect nature and contribute to the goal of a more livable world as it works toward digital transformation. The first and only company in the Turkish telecommunication industry to submit reports to CDP Turkey, Türk Telekom is engaged in numerous efforts in the field of environmental protection and sustainability.

According to the reports furnished to CDP Turkey, Türk Telekom prevented nearly 56,000 tons of carbon emissions by means of the renewable energy and energy efficiency projects it conducted in 2012. This quantity is equivalent to the average  amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by roughly 2,100 hectares of black pine forest or about 4.5 million trees in one year.

Taking stock in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, Türk Telekom saved nearly TL18.5 million in total by means of such undertakings.

According to the results of the CDP Turkey 2012 Report, Türk Telekom achieved savings amounting to more than TL85 million by means of the projects it conducted.

Facts from the Türk Telekom CDP 2012 Report

Structuring its business processes around the priority of sustainability, Türk Telekom took determined steps to reduce the emissions by its employees as well. The first company in the world to utilize the Ecofont software that ensures a 25% economy in printer ink, Türk Telekom thus saves approximately 40,000 tons of paper annually.

The expansion of the in-house use of telepresence apps avoided costs and emissions associated with travel by more than 60,000 people in 2012.

The 1,490 solar panel units Türk Telekom installed in its numerous buildings and facilities throughout Turkey generated 3,606,174 kWh of electricity in 2012, which was equivalent to one year’s power consumption by some 1,200 households.

Türk Telekom established an “Energy Efficiency and New-generation Energy Department” in 2012. Tasked with the implementation of energy efficiency projects and renewable energy projects, this department constantly monitors the organization’s energy consumption. It also works in close cooperation with power-hungry units such as data centers to produce new projects.

The “Data Centers Transformation” project Türk Telekom launched in order to refine the operation of data centers where power consumption is at a peak brought in 54.9 million kWh of savings in power in 2012. A further saving of 14 million kWh on an annual basis is targeted by means of the replacement of the old air-conditioners in the data centers with 175 “free-cooling” units.

Türk Telekom is also working with academicians and students in 13 universities on 55 projects on “Energy-efficient Communication” and developing R&D projects.

Türk Telekom has saved 156 million kWh of power since 2010 by drastically cutting energy and maintenance costs through its “New-generation Networks Project.”

Türk Telekom helps reduce the adverse effects of its customers on the environment by means of the products and services it offers. The BuluTT family of products through which Türk Telekom brings the benefits of cloud computing to its customers helps with cutting back the power costs and environmental impact of Türk Telekom customers in addition to providing standard data center services.

Türk Telekom has kept up its environmentalist practices in 2013 with new ones added. In the e-billing arena, Türk Telekom became the first Turkish company to employ a dedicated e-bill integrator in the telecommunication industry. The powerful infrastructure thus achieved will enable Türk Telekom to care for the environment through considerably less paper consumption while allowing organizations to send and receive invoices in an electronic environment.

Türk Telekom added five 2013-model-year electric automobiles to its fleet in 2013. Wary of the ill effects on the environment of the exhaust gas emissions of the vehicles running on fossil fuels and their contribution to global warming, Türk Telekom targets a greater increase in the number of electric vehicles in its fleet. Boasting one of the largest vehicle fleets in Turkey, Türk Telekom achieved a sizable economy by replacing its existing vehicles with new-generation models and fitting out the fleet with GPS.

CDP targets greater awareness of environmental protection

Some 5,000 organizations from nearly 60 countries across the world measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions, the management of their water sources, and their strategies on climate change by means of the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Companies’ greenhouse gas emissions, climate change strategies, and sustainable water usage data are disclosed to the public and investors through the CDP which was launched in 2000 for the purpose of gathering and sharing information to help companies, investors, and governments take precautions against the threat of climate change. This way, companies, city administrations, and governments can set targets to reduce their carbon emissions and improve performance.

A member in numerous international networks joining forces in the industry’s battle against climate change, the Türk Telekom Climate Platform is  part of the GeSI and Eurogia networks.

For detailed information and communication:

?brahim Özdemir

MESE Communication Consultancy

Tel: 0212 245 33 23

GSM: 0533 208 60 06

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