Swisscom and ICTnet reward the most innovative thesis in the ICT field

Swisscom and ICTnet have presented the Swisscom Innovation Award for the best thesis in the

Swisscom and ICTnet have presented the Swisscom Innovation Award for the best thesis in the ICT field. Stefan Aebischer from the Freiburg College of Engineering and Architecture impressed the jury with his thesis entitled “The newspaper of tomorrow”. The Swisscom award contributes importantly to the long-term promotion of young talent and innovation and comes with a cash prize of CHF 10,000.

The Swisscom Innovation Award is presented annually by Swisscom and ICTnet and is an incentive to ambitious students in the fields of IT and communications technology. The award recognises theses that demonstrate above-average commitment and present results and findings that are derived from practice. This year's winning project, “The newspaper of tomorrow”, was developed by Stefan Aebischer at the Freiburg College of Engineering and Architecture. His thesis shows the vision of a future newspaper that is available in an entirely virtual format and can be subscribed to via iPad or tablet. The concept took into account the production process, the different screen sizes, accessibility for people with disabilities, the integration of social networks and optimised search options.

The theses submitted were examined and evaluated on the basis of various criteria: They had to demonstrate a clear link to information and communications technologies and a clear practical relevance, and they had to be really implementable.

The Swisscom Innovation Award aims to promote young talent and reward outstanding achievement, and is presented annually to either an individual or a team. Further information about the Swisscom Innovation Award and the three most impressive theses can be found at:

Swisscom Innovation Award