T-Systems CEO Clemens paves the way for growth

Only two operative business areas: “Sales” and “Delivery”An increasing number of corporate customers are moving into the cloudRestructuring the business processes: Easier for the cloud.T-Systems is continuing to focus on growth and will be simplifying the company structure from 2013 onwards to do so. The corporate customer business unit will reduce the number of its operative business areas from four to two: Hagen Rickmann will lead the Sales area, and Dr. Ferri Abolhassan will manage the Delivery area.

  • Only two operative business areas: “Sales” and “Delivery”
  • An increasing number of corporate customers are moving into the cloud
  • Restructuring the business processes: Easier for the cloud.

T-Systems is continuing to focus on growth and will be simplifying the company structure from 2013 onwards to do so. The corporate customer business unit will reduce the number of its operative business areas from four to two: Hagen Rickmann will lead the Sales area, and Dr. Ferri Abolhassan will manage the Delivery area. 

“An increasing number of corporate customers are using the cloud for their core business. The extension of the contract with Shell is a good example of this. That’s why the time has now come for us to part with business processes that are still based on old outsourcing models,” says Deutsche Telekom Board Member and T Systems CEO Reinhard Clemens, explaining the measure. “Instead we will integrate our processes to support the cloud. Going forward, Sales will include all closely related activities from marketing to portfolio management. In Delivery, we will leavage all customer-related services - from technical consulting, through systems integration and all the way to infrastructure.”

“In the past five years, T-Systems has made a name for itself inside and outside of Deutsche Telekom, both domestically and abroad: With big deals, cloud services and innovations in the area of intelligent networks for the automotive, energy and health sectors. The cloud plays an increasingly important role in all of these areas. By streamlining our structures and processes for the cloud, we’re paving way for further growth in 2013,” Clemens emphasizes. 

All resulting organizational adjustments at employee level still need to be ap-proved by the employee representatives. “We will begin the negotiations on all issues subject to co-determination at the start of the new year,” adds Clemens.

As part of its leaner organization, the company is also streamlining its Board of Management: The former, eight-person executive committee will be reduced to six members in 2013. Dietmar Wendt, the previous Director of Sales, and Ulrich Meister, the previous Director of Systems Integration, will leave the company at their own request and by mutual agreement at the end of the year. “I thank Dietmar Wendt and Ulrich Meister for their work of the past few years. They have made an essential contribution to giving T-Systems new prestige in the eyes of our customers,” says Clemens, commenting on the collaboration with both of them.