Telenor increases its focus on fibre in Vestfold and Sørlandet

Telenor Norway acquired all the shares in LOS Bynett and Bynett Privat from Agder Energi on 1 October, based on an agreement signed in summer 2011. In doing so Telenor is increasing its focus on fibre in Vestfold and the counties of Agder.

Telenor Norway acquired all the shares in LOS Bynett and Bynett Privat from Agder Energi on 1 October, based on an agreement signed in summer 2011. In doing so Telenor is increasing its focus on fibre in Vestfold and the counties of Agder.

“This represents a significant boost to our landline operations on fibre in Vestfold and the counties of Agder. In doing so we have acquired around 12,000 new private and business customers. We plan to develop the companies further and coordinate this with our strategic initiatives in order to offer more landline broadband, based on fibre technology,” says Berit Svendsen, managing director of Telenor Norway.

LOS Bynett builds high-speed fibre-optic networks for the business market and public sector, and Bynett Privat delivers to private households. The companies will continue as they are today, with the current management and same service offering until the end of 2013, after which Telenor will assess how to integrate the companies with the rest of their operations.

Wider range of services for customers

The Norwegian Competition Authority began processing the acquisition in autumn 2011 and concluded in March 2012 that Telenor Norway could implement the acquisition on certain conditions. The main features of this involve selling/making accessible LOS Bynett’s transport infrastructure in the counties of Agder and sub-letting transport infrastructure in Vestfold. In addition Telenor must accommodate any reasonable requests for access for business customers within the area covered by LOS’ access network. The Norwegian Competition Authority approved the transaction on 8 August, when all the conditions had been met.

“It is positive for our customers and the employees of LOS Bynett/Bynett Privat that ownership has now been resolved. We look forward to becoming part of Telenor Norway. This will give our customers access to a better, more extensive spectrum of services. We wish to contribute to further growth in customer numbers in the region together with Telenor,” says Håkon Honningsvåg, general manager of LOS Bynett/Bynett Privat.

“We are very happy that Telenor is taking over and further developing the two companies’ broadband operations in Vestfold and the counties of Agder. The sale is in keeping with our group strategy, and we are certain that more optimal future development has now been secured for the companies,” says Unni Farestveit, group director of social and corporate development at Agder Energi.

LOS Bynett AS had turnover of NOK 71 million in 2011, while Bynett Privat AS had turnover of NOK 39 million. See also the press release of 8 July 2011.