Workshop Material: A New Digital Agenda For Europe, 30.4.2014 - Brussels

ETNO and Telecom Italia co-organized a workshop in view of the Italian Presidency of the EU.

ETNO and Telecom Italia co-organized a workshop in view of the Italian Presidency of the EU. The #NewDAE14 workshop gathered over 200 senior representatives from the ICT industry, EU institutions, investors' community, academia, consultancies and consumers organizations across the EU.

The debate focused on how the implications of the evolution of the Internet value chain. The digital consumer has evolved to a content-enthusiast and data-hungry consumer, who is re-shaping the digital markets. Speakers and guests debated the consequences of this change and which consequences should be drawn from that.

ETNO's Chairman Speech

See here

Contributions from stakeholders

David Cantor

Digital Europe


Scott Markus

Strand Consult

Contribution from Robert Madelin

See here

List of participants

See here

Event's picture on Flickr

See here