EC073 - ETNO Expert Contribution on Cross-border access to non-geographic shared cost numbers (CoCom05-24)
COCOM05-24, raises a number of issues regarding "cross-border access to non-geographic shared cost numbers in the EU". ETNO believes that there are issues that need to be addressed before further progress can be made.
COCOM05-24, raises a number of issues regarding "cross-border access to non-geographic shared cost numbers in the EU". ETNO believes that there are issues that need to be addressed before further progress can be made.
COCOM05-24, raises a number of issues regarding "cross-border access to non-geographic shared cost numbers in the EU". ETNO believes that there are issues that need to be addressed before further progress can be made. Such issues include, but are not limited to definitions, technical considerations, commercial viability and consumer demand. These issues should be further developed in consultation with all interested players in a transparent and open manner, to ensure their understanding and appropriate resolution.