EC100 - Expert Contribution on the Principles for the use of the last IPv4 /8 address space in the RIPE NCC Region

ETNO, using its previously agreed principles with regard to IPv4 address exhaustion, proposes a set of principles to be considered when developing a RIPE policy on the use of the last IPv4 /8 address space.

ETNO, using its previously agreed principles with regard to IPv4 address exhaustion, proposes a set of principles to be considered when developing a RIPE policy on the use of the last IPv4 /8 address space.

  • ETNO, using its previously agreed Principles with regard to IPv4 address exhaustion, has agreed a set of principles to be considered when developing a RIPE policy on the use of the last IPv4 /8 address space.
  • The principles developed, and contained in this expert contribution, are intended to permit both a fair and equitable use of the last IPv4 /8 address space and a flexible approach with regard to its management.