ETNO response to the European Commission public consultation on “The needs for Internet speed and quality beyond 2020”
Read the full response hereETNO welcomes the opportunity to respond to the “Public consultation on the needs for Internet speed and quality beyond 2020”, launched by the European Commission in the context of the Digital Single Market Strategy.
Read the full response here
ETNO welcomes the opportunity to respond to the “Public consultation on the needs for Internet speed and quality beyond 2020”, launched by the European Commission in the context of the Digital Single Market Strategy.
We understand that the consultation is essentially addressed to users of communications services and to their connectivity needs. Therefore, as an Association of telecom operators, we consider it is more appropriate to provide the Commission with a dedicated position paper, rather than replying to the online survey. In this way we expect to better convey the views of the suppliers, based on the relevant market and technological evolution, on the current use of networks, as well as on the feedback from users, which are essential factors to anticipate the needs for fixed and mobile digital networks beyond 2020.
In our position paper we address some of the issues raised in the questionnaire further to proposing some additional remarks.
ETNO members are providers of connectivity and Internet services, with related devices. They operate on both the mass and business markets as well as on the wholesale market and often in various countries. ETNO members are committed to provide the best possible connections to their customers, be they residential customers or business users, in line with market demand, which is increasingly sophisticated in terms of volume, variety and quality.
Connectivity is becoming more and more a cross-sector issue, with several industries like finance, energy, automotive, health and government e-services, all of them requiring specific connectivity needs beyond speed and volume.
ETNO companies are committed to satisfy these needs, which can only be ensured sustainably within a regulatory framework that allows adequate returns on investments in order to enable the potential of the EU digital economy to flourish.
Read the full response here