RD237 - ETNO Reflection Document on the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the Review of the Sustainable Development Strategy

ETNO welcomes the Communication from the Commission on the review of the European Sustainable Development Strategy, in which a number of key actions are proposed for the coming years. The Association broadly supports the document.

ETNO welcomes the Communication from the Commission on the review of the European Sustainable Development Strategy, in which a number of key actions are proposed for the coming years. The Association broadly supports the document.

ETNO welcomes the Communication from the Commission on the review of the European Sustainable Development Strategy, in which a number of key actions are proposed for the coming years. ETNO stresses that in its view the Sustainable Development Strategy will be a major element of success for the renewed Lisbon process and that, for this reason, the involvement of all major stakeholders will be crucial. The Association broadly supports the document.