RD360 - ETNO Reflection Document - Response to the BEREC Consultation on Draft Guidelines for Transparency and Net Neutrality
ETNO members are committed to providing transparent and meaningful information to end-users on their services of choice and as required by the existing telecoms regulatory framework. Network management is an indispensable means to control network congestion. ETNO believes that BEREC has correctly identified the key areas relevant for the implementation of transparencyExecutive Summary:
ETNO members are committed to providing transparent and meaningful information to end-users on their services of choice and as required by the existing telecoms regulatory framework. Network management is an indispensable means to control network congestion. ETNO believes that BEREC has correctly identified the key areas relevant for the implementation of transparency
Executive Summary:
- Dealt with in the appropriate way, Europe’s approach to net neutrality can have a significant positive impact on EU citizens and the ICT sector, as well as the ability of European businesses to compete in the global arena.
- ETNO supports a holistic view of the open Internet and believes in openness, transparency and competition across the Internet value chain.
- ETNO members are committed to providing transparent and meaningful information (i.e, appropriate, comparable, accessible and verifiable information) to end-users on their services of choice and as required by the existing telecoms regulatory framework.
- Network management is an indispensable means to control network congestion in view of rapidly increasing IP data traffic volumes and allows product differentiation based on quality of service in line with end-users’ needs.
- Regulators have a role in monitoring ISPs’ practices on transparency and any self-regulation initiatives. Any third party monitoring should be carried out by validated and reliable sources in order to provide the market with robust information.
- ETNO believes that BEREC has correctly identified the key areas relevant for the implementation of transparency and expresses its readiness to enter into a constructive dialogue with BEREC on how to further implement the transparency obligations.