Annual Report - 2010

The Energy Task Force is a sub-group of the ETNO working group on sustainability, the members of which have each signed the ETNO Sustainability Charter. By signing up to the Sustainability Charter each Signatory has freely accepted a number of commitments, recognising the importance and the value of doing business in a sustainable way. Each signatory is aware that signing should not be taken light-heartedly, and that deeds must follow words. The task team initiative is one such demonstration of this commitment.

The Energy Task Force is a sub-group of the ETNO working group on sustainability, the members of which have each signed the ETNO Sustainability Charter. By signing up to the Sustainability Charter each Signatory has freely accepted a number of commitments, recognising the importance and the value of doing business in a sustainable way. Each signatory is aware that signing should not be taken light-heartedly, and that deeds must follow words. The task team initiative is one such demonstration of this commitment.


Annual Report - 2010.jpgThe Task Force was established during a meeting of the ETNO WG on Sustainability June 2004. Initially the purpose of the task team, membership, etc, was determined by the chairman and secretary and this was confirmed at a meeting comprising of a small team of people from KPN and BT. At this inaugural meeting formal objectives were set out, a working methodology determined, the first meeting organised and speakers and guests invited.

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